The Beach.

 I am at the beach,
The beach of my aura and thoughts,
I am surrounded with darkness as well as light.

I am at the beach,
I have the waves of darkness dashing on the rocks of my mind,
I have the strength of light,
Light to fight the darkness within me,
Wanting me to dive deep for the pearls of fortune.

I am at the beach,
I am both sanctuary and tempest of my life,
I am the wild wind and the serene sea!
I can stand high guarding my life,
I can shape the peace to be still.

I am at the beach,
I can be destructive or can be constructive!
I have the authority to what I can be,
I can sculpt myself!

I am at the beach,
I am both a lighthouse and a storm of the beach around me!
I am the master of my brain,
And lies within me is a choice to make my own destiny!


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