Dear Oh! My Dear Creation!
Never give up!
There is light always at the end of the tunnel...…

Life is for once, it's true.
Happiness is in 'you',
Find it and live.
Luck never happens,
My love, is same for all. 
Believe in self and find the 'you'.

Problems are not forever,
Nothing is forever, don't stress on.
Be a blooming flower, spreading happiness.
I might not some to you, but I am a feel in 'you' and all.

Live for your dreams,
Live by choice, not by chance,
Don't fight for petty things,
Fight for your dreams.
Pick the broken parts of you,
Find the real 'you' in you.

Learn and move on,
I am with 'you' in all good 'you' do.
Light your life and there by spread the light,
Of joy and happiness,
Live for your race and not for a race.

Dear Oh! My Dear Creation!
Never give up!
There is light always at the end of the tunnel...…

(A letter by God)


Hindu Mythology says that every creature has to go through many life forms before he actually joins the holy ocean of love, the God. You never know on which number of life you are.

Life is for once but that doesn't mean you take it so seriously that you stop enjoying it. Life is to lead but not at the stake of other's happiness. The true essence of life is not in getting happy by blowing the candle of happiness of others but living a life of true sacrifice, a life which inspires others to live, lead and live happily. You are a part of society. We together make a society so definitely our actions influence others and the vice verse. 

I believe in the fact that  happiness is always hiding in our life, which wants us to seek it, receive the happy and sweet dew drops. It is like the cat's tale. The cat keeps running behind it, unaware of the fact that it is it's own tail.  It is us who don't care about the inbuilt happiness and actually run for something more always. 

We live in a world of misery and problems but no problem is bigger than us. It is the way we look at it. Struggle has always been in our blood from the day we got conceived in the womb of our mother. We have struggled and fought the biggest war for the survival. As Darwin says, 'The Struggle for existence and the Survival of the fittest'. We have already crossed the biggest hurdle of our life and what is left is the way to reach our dream destination. Destination is not just a place rather it is a life's goal. So how can we give up on it?

We cannot achieve success in one day. Don't stress upon it.  Success can be achieved when we work not in the comfort zone. Risk is quite common in our life. Nothing can be achieved if we are in the comfort zone. Mastering the skills that we have and fighting for our goals is what the true meaning of destination is. There are ups and downs in life, as life never happens the way we plan it. Indeed we cannot plan it!

We are just the puppets who are performing our roles and God is the owner who runs the show. He is watching us, he is trying to teach us the things which he feels need to be addressed before he gives us the biggest of opportunities. We just need to believe in us and walk in the way he shows us. Never compare yourself with others, as every individual is special and unique. 

Humans have evolved from animals, our nails are an indication of the animal nature in us. We cut them off not only to groom ourselves rather to draw that line between human and animal and to show to our creator that we are the best of his creations.

In the recent times suicides has become a passion. People are unable to digest the feeling of losing. For them adopting for suicide is the best and easy option. Life is precious. There is always a second chance but never a second life or say never a second you. No one can replace the 'you'. Try and try till you reach your destination. Giving up is not the conclusion. Just imagine the pain that we give to our loved ones, who love us when we leave this world. Suicide is against the will of god. Never give up!

Living and fighting for our goals is the better choice than just giving up by chance. Live by choices not by chances. God is our creator but we are the real creators of our lives. The nature falls in love with a stubborn heart so never ever give up. 

Youngsters of our generation is our future property, when we talk about sustainable resource, it is our future for whom we are preserving life and forms. Hence, giving a strong life with strong moral support and foundation with respect to education, life skills, ethics is also very important. The various schools talking about the holistic development must also make life skills important, the youth should understand the fact that winning or losing is never important, it is just a part of a game. What matters the best is participating.... Living and leading a life is most important. Never giving up on what we actually need.... That's the need of the hour!

A flower need not prove it's importance, it blooms and spreads it's fragrance. Be like a flower and spread happiness. Pick up all the broken parts of you and find the 'you' in you. Work for quality and work with quality even if no one is watching you. That is true ethics and integrity of being you. You are special and unique.

God might not knock every door of his creation, he comes to us in the form of human. He teaches us through people who cross our lives...… Learn and move on...… Everything and everyone who cross your life comes as a lesson...… Adopt the good! Avoid the bad! Amend for betterment!!

I don't know how God looks like, I cannot define him with a particular religion. The various religions are just the ways to reach him. But God is the love you seek in the heart of others. Find it!! 

 The day when I was stressed and sad, I heard these voices of God whispering in my heart. That day brought a transformation in me and my inner self. I showcased the words of God as a poem. May you all be blessed.
           Live but never ever give up!
           Srividya Gurugubilly.


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