
Showing posts from April, 2019


From my heart of hearts! I dream of presenting a heart full of joy. A heart I can find in the cloudy sky, A heart I can form from the rocks so high, A heart I can make from the play dough underlie, A heart I can cast from the glass before it solidifies, A heart I can shape from a soft cloth and string tie, A heart I can cut from a red chart and gratify, A heart I can carve from a log of wood nearby, Or a heart I can shape from the snow before it liquifies. From my heart of hearts! I d etermined to be veracious. Appraising the heart of hearts. To leave a part of mine in everyone I meet; And to add a part of theirs to mine. A joy that's shared is a joy made doubled. Believe me!!  True happiness is following your heart of hearts. Happiness is a choice...… B e happy...… today, tomorrow and forever!!