A Parent's Guide to Settling into Pre-school.
“A gift you are from heaven above, a perfect example of God’s precious love.” Picture this, you are sitting with a gorgeous bundle of joy in your arms, a scene you have probably pictured in your head several times during your pregnancy, and it hits you, I mean it really hits you – I am a parent. I am responsible for this beautiful piece of life in my hands! Having a baby is a valuable gift by God to parent. The period of carrying them for months in womb and then suddenly carrying them in our lap vanishes the entire pain and strengthens the relations and bonding. Being a parent is mostly about being full of love, joy, hope and unimaginable delight, even when you’re bone tired. You will laugh more than ever before. All the craziness will soon end – the sleepless nights, the toilet training, and tantrums. Time will run swiftly and in the blink of an eye your infant will be a toddler and before you know it, even gets ready for school. Life is for once, but don’t take...