
Showing posts from May, 2019


The morning gleam are full of golden sunrays, The tender blaze and calmness of the sun's rays!! Just born from the womb of the universe, Adorable sunrays! I welcome you to enter my life. The sea of emotions moving me within, The goose bumps and tears of joy rolling down my chin, The blessings that God is showering on me, With the golden sunrays shinning upon me!! The dew drops of night and the golden rays of day, Both cherishes the life’s way, One through the rest, While the other through the day’s zest!! The rays evaporates the dew drops, The drops pacify the rays, Both works for the existence, And keeps the earth animate!! That's the beauty of life! Day and Night! Happiness and Sorrow! Winning and Losing! Are just episodes in the chapter of life! Flourish with love...…..  Life is too short!! Live the life you think you deserve!!